
the best thanksgiving ever! (well, sort of...)

so...i spent thanksgiving in the carribean. while most americans were eating turkey in the cold november air, i was in a bathing suit snorkeling on the coast of st. thomas, virgin islands. and i must say it was amazing. all those fish and underwater creatures were incredible. another thing i discovered in my under the sea adventure was the specimen known as the sea urchin. it is black and looks a lot like a koosh ball. i was greatly surprised to find out that it is not a koosh ball. instead, it is like a ball made of needles. needles that poke and sting you. i found that i am not a fan of sea urchins.
But, overall, i had a fantastic time and probably gained 10 pounds with all the food they gave us. whatever i wanted, whenever i wanted. it was stellar.
karen got to go with us on the cruise (along with her family). it is really awesome to experience the things we saw with the person you love. i was sooooooo glad she was there. she made the trip so much better. in case you were wondering (which i know you were) this is random simply because i am waiting for something to print at the library. i had nothing better to do, so i thought i would blog a little. so, that's been the insight into bryan's mind for the day.


1 comment:

Karen Isbell said...

Your so funny...sorry you had to wait for an hour to print the stuff off! your the best!!!