
for meagan maki, and everyone else who is so faithful to check this rarely updated blog

your comment made me laugh, so i thought i would post to appease the masses. not a whole lot to report. we're moving in next to david and farah, who called us crazy. i don't think we're crazy. "the band" that is nameless is moving ahead. we're knocking out some of my songs, and getting them really good. i'm really excited about that. i'm about 2 weeks away from graduating from college, which is so awesome that words don't come close to describing the greatness of it. and i'm really falling in love with jesus all over again. i've really been living a boring lifeless existence lately, and he woke me up to this fact here recently. i'm missing out on the abundant life that he has and the relationship that he offers. i laid awake in bed last night chewing on the mediocraty that i have been settling for. i can't wait to see where he takes me.