
another one goes home

I found out this week that another of my High School class mates has passed away. In the 6 years since we graduated, we have lost 2 of our small class of 21; one, whom i was in school with for 13 years, to a tragic car accident; and the other, whom i only knew for 4 years, to a sudden and unexplained illness. I had not seen either of these friends of mine in more than 3 years at the time of their deaths, but i still hurt. I hurt for the families. i hurt for the friends. i hurt for the fiance that was left behind with no explanation of why he would never marry the love of his life. even now, in this moment, i feel the pain of all those left with no answers. i have the assurance of knowing that i WILL see these two again. even as little as i may have known them, i know they are worshiping eternally in their true home. it leaves me to pray for those i did not know about. the other 18 of my senior class mates whom i am not sure of their relationship with God. it also helps me to appreciate the students i am now teaching. i must be more aware of their spiritual need. not to "save" them, but to introduce them to the Man who has changed my life forever. to give them the same hope that i have in the One who knows us better than ourselves. to show them that they matter on this earth.

welcome home Toby and Melissa.



well, it's been a while again. a lot has happened since the last post. we're moving to north GA in a few weeks. I'm getting a teaching job, and Karen will be working for a non-profit organization we're starting up. we'll probably blog more about that soon. There is an awesome church in Cumming that we're getting involved with. it's a new church that has a great vision for the people of the community. we're really excited about the move. this was quick, but more will come, hopefully before 5 months from now.


6 months in the making

wow. the last time i blogged, we had just decided on a band name. seems like forever ago. hopefully, there are still a faithful few who continue to look at my blog. i probably ran everyone off, but it doesn't hurt to try does it? i dont' really know what to write. Karen and i are about to hit the one year mark...holy cow. we are trying to figure out what we are going to do with aur lives. so the title of my blog still holds true. stuck here in the middle of the directions God is leading us. we have closed a chapter of our lives (auburn) and are waiting to open the next (who knows what). we really have little idea what God has in store for us. we know that seminary for Karen is a possibility and we are working towards that. we also know that music is an avenue for me. so...still clueless. one thing i do know is that this is a time of preparation for whatever the future holds.

how's everyone doing out there in bloggerland?